Federal Government

Hundreds of Federal agencies and commissions are responsible for a wide range of tasks, including administering America’s space programme, safeguarding its forests, gathering intelligence, and furthering the general welfare of the American people. Visit USA.gov for a complete list of Federal Agencies, Departments, and Commissions.

Voting & Elections

Every two years, on the first Tuesday after the first Monday in November, federal elections are held. In any given election year, every member of the House of Representatives and around one-third of the Senate is up for reelection. State and municipal governments are in charge of federal elections, while the specifics of how they are handled vary per state.

Government at the state and local levels

All rights not provided to the federal government are reserved for the states and the people under the Tenth Amendment to the United States Constitution. The executive, legislative, and judicial branches of all state governments are modelled after the federal government. Although the three-branch structure is not required by the US Constitution, all states must maintain a “republican form” of government.

Individuals and groups frequently try to influence public policy through education, advocacy, or interest group mobilisation. In Western-style democracies, shaping public policy is obviously different than in other types of government. However, it is logical to anticipate that competing interest groups will constantly attempt to sway policymakers in their favour.

Law is an important part of public policy. In a broad sense, the law encompasses both specific laws and more widely defined constitutional or international law rules. The law can influence how survivors of domestic abuse are treated and what supports they receive in a variety of ways. Legislation also designates areas where research grants can be supported and, in many cases, determines the quantity of funds available. As a result, it’s not surprising that proposed legislation and financing spark public policy discussions.

Advocacy can be defined as the endeavour to influence public policy by education, lobbying, or political pressure in this context. Advocacy groups frequently aim to educate the general public as well as policymakers about the nature of problems, the legislation required to address problems, and the funds needed to offer services or conduct research. Although some in the scientific and scholarly community consider lobbying to be unseemly, it is undeniable that advocacy has an impact on public policy agendas. Sound research data can be used to educate both the public and policymakers, benefiting the public policy process.